Tag Archives: romance

Delirious Love


Love…the ultimate juxtaposition.

It’s reckless. It’s romantic. It’s a pain in the ass. It’s beautiful. It’s exciting. It’s life-changing.

It hurts. It heals. It lifts up and tears down. It builds and rebuilds. It alters your views of reality.

It is magic and momentum. It is a smoldering coal and a burning flame. It is nothing and it is everything.

…but what does all this mean?

Cynics will tell you that love is a farce, a folly of the mind, a drop in the bucket of life. When we are in love, we convince ourselves that it is the end all be all. When love ends, we convince ourselves that we don’t need it. We are reminded of things such as I Corinthians that tells us what real love looks like. We wonder, if love has ended, was it ever really love to begin with?

Love is perhaps one of the most philosophical, unanswerable questions of our existence.

Love is a mystery…an enigma…or is it?

What is at the root of love? What makes love tick? First we must establish what love IS. Is love a feeling? An emotion? A verb? A noun? An adjective?

I am of the belief that love, much like gravity, is a force. You can’t see love, but you can see the effects of love…you can’t see love but you can feel love. It is as much a law as any other natural, physical, energy producing force in the universe. It just exists…love just IS.

My personal belief is that love IS, because God IS. Whatever your concept of God, whether you view God as a person, a being, an entity, or as science itself, God is energy…an unstoppable force.

God IS love.

This is not only a Biblical concept, but it is also true if we are viewing love and God as “concepts” of the mind.

Love is both a noun and a verb. Is it something you feel and something you experience, but it is also something that you do.

Love is something that happens to you and acts upon your heart and soul without your permission. it does not wait until you are ready. It does not have perfect timing. It is not planned or prepared for.

That being said, love is also a choice you must make every single day. You must be upon to love. You must welcome it to receive it. You must choose to love to maintain love, even when it is inconvenient and undesirable.

If you search for love you often cannot find it, but love is all around us in the most obscure places.

Love is the ultimate juxtaposition of ideas and ideals…an oxymoron in its own right.

…and it is the most wonderfully and tragically beautiful of all human experiences.


Happy February…month of love.


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